The true progress is when innovation is for everyone
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Store passwords in a database
Recently, I undertook the development of a small Single Sign-On (SSO) portal—a web application designed to…
Managing JWT Tokens with Polly
In this article, I want to share how I tackled the management of a JWT token during an integration project with…
.NET 9 Hybrid Cache
In this article, we’ll delve into one of Microsoft’s latest innovations, currently in preview at the time of…
SOLID Programming Principles
Recently, I finished reading a fascinating book titled Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin (widely known as…
HashSet in .NET 9
What is a HashSet<T>? In .NET, a HashSet<T> is a collection that implements an unordered set of unique…
Discovering Span<T>
With .NET Core 2.1 and C# 7.2, a new type of struct was introduced: Span<T> and ReadOnlySpan<T>.…
LINQ Extension Method
At the 2024 edition of Overnet’s WPC conference, I attended an insightful talk about LINQ extension…
Retry failed queries with Microsoft.Data.SqlClient
In recent years, the new library Microsoft.Data.SqlClient has emerged. While initially similar to the well-known…